Hi there, I'm a web designer who has set up hosting and migrated websites hundreds of times. I've gotten very fast at correctly configuring any number of hosting accounts. If you need your website migrated to a new host, or you need a fresh Wordpress install set up on a good hosting account, I'm your guy! For $120 I will do the following: 1) Setup of your hosting account (I recommend DreamHost for speed & SSL reasons) 2) Setup of your domain on the account 3) Either fresh Wordpress install or migration of your current website 4) Launching the changes by pointing your domain at the new server 5) Optionally—if you're using DreamHost— I'll set up the free SSL certificate they offer on your domain. This will give you that green "Https" in front of your logo, and gives you a small SEO, security, and image boost. Definitely worth it. To learn more about this service, see https://www.SmoothMigrations.com Have a great day!