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Reading with Angela gift certificates! Psychic Intuitive Medium

Reading with Angela gift certificates! Psychic Intuitive Medium image 1
Reading with Angela gift certificates! Psychic Intuitive Medium image 2
Reading with Angela gift certificates! Psychic Intuitive Medium thumbnail image 1
Reading with Angela gift certificates! Psychic Intuitive Medium thumbnail image 2

Give a truly unique gift for any occasion! A Psychic Intuitive Reading with Angela ~ Psychic * Intuitive * Medium Angela remembers relating to the world on an intuitive level from as early as age four. She was the one who just "knew things" about people or situations around her.Her work, today, as a Psychic Intuitive Medium - sharing her insights and connection with Spirit in a refreshingly grounded, no nonsense, down to earth manner - is a direct result of that journey. Beyond the deeply rewarding work she does through private readings, workshops,public speaking and life coaching sessions, Angela's connection with Spirit has benefited others in numerous ways. Her work as a vetted psychic with the FIND ME group is one example. Based out of Phoenix, Arizona, this not-for-profit organization of Psychic, Investigative, and Canine Search & Rescue volunteers works together in locating missing persons and solving homicides internationally. As one of approximately 100 vetted Psychics relied upon by FIND ME, Angela supports law enforcement and families by creating opportunities for closure in what are obviously very difficult situations. Readings by Phone, FaceTime, Skype- worldwide- or in person Gift certificates for any occasion - birthdays, weddings, or just because! See more about readings and Angela a See testimonials there like this one.. Within the first few minutes of my first session with Angela I was blown away with her detailed reading of events in my life. Throughout the session I found myself both laughing and crying as she spoke to me with incredible details of past, present and future. I was fortunate to have a family member "show up" in my reading to let me know she was with me and my kids. I felt so at peace and comforted after my session with Angela, and am so excited for more sessions in the future! I'm ecstatic to have found Angela, she has an incredible gift! ~ JK

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