We got this awesome turkey roaster as a gift but only used it a couple of times before switching to a different way of cooking our turkeys (cutting them up ahead of time - loses the nice presentation but we prefer this method) We’d prefer to have it move on to someone who will actually use it because it’s really good quality and the lid becomes a beautiful serving plate. We’d love for it to be used, so if you need to upgrade to a barely used paderno turkey roaster, we’d love to pass it on to you. Here’s the link to buy it new at Canadian Tire: https://www.canadiantire.ca/en/pdp/paderno-18-10-stainless-steel-multi-roaster-w-removable-rack-50-3-x-18cm-1422200p.1422200.html?gclsrc=aw.ds&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADojZphwuvVUaT87up4UPTnckUBvP&gclid=CjwKCAiA65m7BhAwEiwAAgu4JA-lfXTTxzRziZFRcjbDEoGTvfXyl_NOFRWc6CvvpQ_yguSovULb-hoCp2sQAvD_BwE#store=365