Rational iCombi Oven Model : XS Electric Brand New > 6 lengthwise insertion for 2/3 GNContainers > Removable, swiveling hinging rack with flexible rack options on 11 levels per cooking system > Wide range of accessories for various cooking processes such asgrilling, braising or baking > For use with 1/2, 2/3, 1/3 GNAccessories Combi-steamer mode > Steam 30 °C – 130 °C > Convection 30 °C – 300 °C > Combination of steam and convection from 30 °C - 300 °C Intelligent assistants Including : - iDensityControl : iDensityControl is the intelligent climate management system in the iCombi Pro - iCookingSuite : The iCookingSuite is the cooking intelligence in the iCombi Pro - iProductionManager : The iProductionManager organises the production process intelligently and flexibly. - iCareSystem : The iCareSystem is the intelligent cleaning and descaling system in the iCombi Pro XS 6-2/3. Dimensions : 655 x 594 x 621 mm Total Weight : 67 Kg Electrical Connection requirements - electric system : Voltage 3Phase AC 208V/240V , 60 Hz , 5.7 Kw Water Pressure : 22 - 87 Psi Call us for more details at 604-566-9747 , 604-566-9745 Visit our website : www.babakfoodequipment.com